Station and I have been getting used to everything. Well, I have been getting used to everything. It is hard to find things to do all day that don't include riding in a maxi taxi. Of which I a determined NOT to do.
A few things that are funny. The above video is of a plant that moves when you touch it.
The men here are capable of smooching so loudly. It is amazing and embarrassing all at once.
There are provisions in almost every meal. That means things that come from the ground like a potato.
I still can't understand people and for the most part they are forgiving, but there are those few moments when I am looked at like I am the slowest human on earth. That is really uncomfortable.
We have gotten lost....a lot. Like....Laventille a lot. Google it. And lock your doors.
I met a man who was nuts. They are all nuts, but this man in particular asked ME if I was ok. That is when I realized that maybe I do have culture shock. Here's to 6 weeks.
BTW. The plant isn't Shadow Benny, it is Mimosa or sleepy grass or something. Also, a 20 second video with a song? Maybe I just found out about this thing called vimeo and they has FREE MUSIC.