Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Trini Gill

Station and I are in Trinidad now. We have almost made it a week. We have moved to a different location and are getting settled again. There is an American lady in the ward that we are visiting and she offered us her home until we find something, or maybe we will just stay here. Obviously the situation is much different from what we started at. We have air conditioning in our room. Which is like....what the? cold. When I first got here I wasn't even phased by the fact that I only brought 4 pairs of shirts because the living situation was minimal and I felt like I fit in. Now, I feel like I should have brought more, I think that is kind of interesting. I also realized that I haven't looked in a mirror until coming here, my priorities have shifted. Not Maslow's hierarchy like I was wanting for food or anything, but life was simple so I didn't think to look at my now very greasy, very break out like a teenager face.

Speaking of food. So good, but such a strange transition breakfast wise. Man, I don't think I have ever NOT wanted  hot chocolate so badly. Such a kind offer, but I was like, guys, let's talk for a minute. The heat on this island? Forget about it. The humidity? My hair greases up in ten seconds flat. I am just saying I don't know how they do so much hot food. I wonder if they just want to have cold food. that's all.

I have added a video from our first night. We were on our way home from the airport and getting ourselves some doubles. The out of focus, blurry video kind of shows exactly how I was feeling at that point. I will say it again, the humidity punches you in the face with a wet ball of sweat. You know how everyone says that humidity is the worst? I wouldn't agree. But I would be like, okay, I guess I see your point.

I am so grateful for the time we spent with the Hookers. They were so open and kind and I learned so much about the culture. Their folk tales? Kylee, you will freak. The accents? I thought I had them down, but I actually just had ONE person's down. Turns out everyone is a little different and I have no idea what anyone is saying.