Monday, May 13, 2013

Pregnancy Driven

I have decided that driving on the left hand side is like pregnancy (or so I assume...on basically both accounts). You prepare mentally; watching everybody, taking notes, etc. And then you get in on the wrong side and you are like. HEY. AMERICA. Why didn't you prepare me for this?

So you go to the right side and it is awkward. I feel my face inching toward the side window and womp! there it is. hitting you in the head. And the rear view mirror? What rear view mirror? It should be to your right side and it isn't so it isn't there. End of story. Turning left is suddenly the easy thing to do but then there are so many one way roads and the signage here should basically say "you are on your own here."

Don't get me started on the honking. GO! they honk. Faster! Yuh vexin me reeeeall bad. I stay calm. I mean, the humidity, remember? So keeping my cool is not an option. And then all of the sudden they are honking thank yous? I have never heard such a perfect use of the horn in my life, honk-honk. thank-you. So un-American. If i could remember where the blinker is. Here I am, staying all cool, and I turn on the windshield wipers. Hey WHITE GIL! It not rainy season yet!!

Station said that by 6 weeks my goal should be to teach the Trinis the good things about American driving. Like...laws and stuff. That is basically it. And maybe a few parking options.

Although I fear for my life while driving. The people, when not in cars, are so kind. The picture above is of a family that was sort of helping us, as much as a Trini can, to get directions to a home. A lot of repeated information. At least they are thorough.