Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Don't Jump Fences For Everyone

We got up early on Sunday morning to get ready to go. Once we were packed we headed out. We got some Jack-In-The-Box to go and went on our way. We drove the long way home to look at all the pretty stuff. I don't care what anyone says, I think the desert is beautiful.
{chatting it up with the locals about sports}
For lunch, we stopped at a deserted Indian Jewelry Stand. Station decided that we should climb over, or under for me, the gate and eat on the tables that were there. I was scared. But I did it anyways. As we were getting crumbs everywhere and eating our sandwiches, we heard a gun shot. We joked about how funny it would be if it was the owner of this stand and their tribe was going to come down and attack us. Station even managed to tie it into the movie 400. or 200. or something.
{sad that this is the second picture i have with similar wordage}
{Station wants you to know this is harder to do while driving}
As we were eating another car pulled up. An asian couple hopped out and began snapping pictures and walking around. The man asked us how we got in there and Station told him that we jumped over it. The man looked very worried and walked away. Then. All of the sudden a truck pulled up and it was an Indian man. Great. He is going to be sooo mad. We already took their land. Now we are getting crumbs on his nice tables. He told us that there is a reason that the gate was locked and Station then asked, "do you want us to leave." the guy just looked at him. I will go ahead and take that as a yes. So we packed up and I scooted under the gate white Station hopped over. I looked over and the Asians are watching with serious fear. They didn't seem to stick around after that.
{me just eating a sandwich}
Once our company left, Station and I just sat on the cooler to finish our food and we were off. We decided not to make this lunch as long as the first one.
{you know you are tired when you are laughing pretty hard at this}
Nothing too eventful happened after that since I kept falling asleep while trying to keep Station company. At one point I woke up to Station listening to his devil music to keep him awake. I decided that I should maybe make sure that he didn't fall asleep either. A little later on I looked over and Station is making his "I'm so so tired" face where he tilts his head back and looks through the little slits of his eyes because he can't even keep his eyes open. I knew that that was the point where I needed to drive. As soon as I began driving it was a crazy mountain with a dirt road that weaved back and forth on the front. I could tell that Station was worried because he wouldn't fall asleep, instead he just made sure that I didn't kill us. I was just worried that my cheeks were jiggling every time it was bumpy. Maybe not so much candy Cass. Once we made it over the large mountain we were on our way. Station fell asleep and began to snore {he claims he only does that when he is sick}. He also looked really uncomfortable. I started to reach for my camera, but began to swerve so I opted out of that. I was a master of directions. I didn't even need his help. He would wake up. Tell me what to do. I would say okay. Laugh inside. Because I was already on top of it. But who likes to be told "I know."?
Luckily we traded at the right time because the rain and crazy weather started up in the canyon and Station kept his cool. Except when a lady cut in. I believe that he honked at her for a good minute. I just let it happen. Whatever. Honk away. We finally made it home and were able to stretch out and watch some greatly missed football.
Thanks to the Wilcocks. Seriously. You guys rock. I think you two are the greatest. And I quickly came to find why Station enjoys you guys so much. You guys made us feel so welcome and we loved being there. Thanks for letting us crash your pad for the whole weekend and eat your food. Once we have a pad of our own you guys are welcome to come up whenever and leave Juni with us, except I will make sure Station doesn't try to take her as our own. We will give her back. You guys are cool and use cloth diapers and cool stuff like that. And thanks to the Websters for hanging out with us too. For taking us to the tasty caribbean restaurant and for letting us come and roast marshmallows at your house. Arizona may be beige, but there are some super cool people there.