Is anyone there? {crickets}. Sorry. That whole Arizona trip was PRETTY long. But don't worry. It is over. Here are some things that happened while I was trying to prove Station wrong about my blogging. In backwards direction. So start at the bottom and go up. Then it will be chronologically correct.
He also wore that to our halloween shenanigans later that night and I wore a similar get up. We went to his grandpa's house to watch part of the Utah game and then celebrated said game with frosty's for my entire family thanks to Station. We then went to a singles ward dance which we rocked the floor with our mad skills. Then we went back to the house to find all the doughnuts eaten and everyone leaving. Bummer.

I got to go watch Station and his friends skateboard on a half pipe that was in his friend's backyard. I didn't pick up any of the lingo, but rock on. This was actually before Arizona so I have no reason for why I didn't blog about it before other than no time.
Station and I carved pumpkins that never made it to the porch. That is me btw. He carved ME.
I went and picked a pumpkin with my family.