Saturday Station and I got up bright and early and boarded the Arizona trax system. Actually. I know it had another name, but I forgot it because I thought that everyone had a UTA trax system. nope. Anyways. We boarded the trax and headed to downtown Phoenix. We didn't even get lost. Because we weren't driving. But once we got there we did. We found a nice man who led us to the restaurant and Station and the man hit it off by talking about sports and the players and who isn't good. It was great conversation I am sure.
Once we got to the restaurant, we saw that there were billions of people outside waiting while the restaurant itself was about the size of a public bathroom. After waiting a little, we decided that waiting an hour wasn't for us, so we went across the street to check out the little farmer's market. There wasn't anything there either so we decided to head on over to the Sheraton Hotel to have breakfast there.
The food there was good. So good that I think Station had a taste of everything there. It was that good that it gave Station hiccups, which seemed to be following him a good amount of the time on this vacation.
After the delicious food, we walked around to find a bathroom, because, ya know, my bladder is small. We found a bathroom and separated to go to the designated bathrooms. Once I was done, I waited for Station to come out. When all of the sudden a man, dressed in jeans and a bandanna and hat with lots of little trinkets walked out. looked at me. kept walking. and then turned back and said something like, "his hiccups are gone." I looked at him in confusion would he even know we were together? Then i laughed and said good. He then proceeded to tell me that the trick is to hold your breath and if you are lucky enough to be at a restaurant you would drink the water from the wrong side of the cup {always a confusing theory}. I laughed again and said thanks and he walked on his way to find a group of business men who later invited him to their meeting. I guess he must be great or something.
Station walked out of the bathroom laughing and asked if I had seen the guy who walked out before him. I said yes and then he said that as they were in their separate stalls, as Station was hiccuping the man told him what to do. It worked and Station was impressed. Then the man told Station that he needed to make boo boo. Which just saying that seems really gross. But considering the really nice, strange man, it was hilarious. Trust me. All of this while they were sitting awkwardly in separate stalls next to each other.
{station looking good, looking at the map}
After a lot of laughing Station and I went to find a park that we were told was really cool. We got lost. Of course. We somehow ended up in some sort of Catholic priest shrine thing with statues and a waterfall. Once we turned the map the right way we were back on course and once we found the park we walked in to find that there were a lot of Asians. That's fine. Asians love heat. Once we got to the center of the park we found the reason for it all and it had to do with a Korean Festival. Nice. Station wanted to go in there and join, but I wasn't about to get a Korean curse on me so we got on our way.
Finally getting done looking through the park, we went to the stadiums that are in Phoenix. I don't know the names of them so go ahead and look at the pictures and try to figure it out. As we were walking back to the trax, we were able to see a lot of crazy people, one being a man that probably had turrets, which maybe calling him crazy isn't the nicest thing I could do. Anyway. We also went into a store to nourish our withering bodies and there was a lady with crazy bleach blonde Texan hair with blue eye shadow along with rows and rows of alcohol. I don't get out much I guess because seeing that much liquor in a convience store was mind blowing. We then got lost again. Then got unlost. and got on the trax to get back to Mesa.
Once we got back Station and I went and hung out at the pool while Emily and Wilcock cooked us some delicious food. Again everybody that walked by looked at us like we were seriously nuts for swimming and one little boy even began telling his dad that it is too cold for that kind of business. We also got a shoe thrown at us from, what I think was, a handicapped kid. He probably wasn't okay with us swimming in cold weather either. Then all of the sudden I see a man who is shirtless, with pants rolled up, and nice shoes on walking towards us. Wilcock? Yup. He just wanted to stop by and let us know that dinner was ready. He then strolled off back to his apartment. Station and I followed quickly to find Wilcock inside with a shirt on again and food ready to eat. This was the night that we had the black bean burgers. Station kept saying how much he liked them and Emily had to keep looking at Wilcock to see if he was being serious. Station can be pretty dry with his humor and sometimes it gets confused with a real compliment. But they were good.
{wilcock in front of his improv place}
When we were done with dinner we sat around before Wilcock had to leave to get ready for his show tonight. Oh yeah. He is funny. Did I mention? He does an improv show every Saturday night and he so kindly got us tickets to come and see him do is thing. He was great. It looked hard. But he was slick and quick. At one point Station tried to volunteer me to go up to the stage, but because he volunteered me....he volunteered himself. It wasn't really bad, he just had to sit outside with a guy to make sure he didn't hear anything. Anyway. it was a great show and lots of fun. After the show Station and I got to talk to Wilcock a little before we headed on over to Webster's house for some marshmallow roasting on a fire in their backyard. The guys talked about mission stories and Wilcock did more magic tricks. It was a little too hot to have a fire, but it was still fun.
{Station= unhappy quik tripper. wilcock= happy quik tripper}
On our way back to the Wilcock apartments we stopped at the Quik Trip. This place, as Station puts it, is the best. You will never look at a gas station the same way after being in there. It was big. It had a lot of slushy options. But the greatest? Maybe. Maybe it was just a big gas station store. Either way, Station loves it so we got pictures in front of it and treated ourselves to usual gas station food. Doughnuts and drinks. It was delicious. And that ends the last full day we had in Arizona.

{it just takes a tostada to make him happy}