Wednesday, October 20, 2010

North to Southern, We're Back Where Home Is

Day two started with Station coming into my room to remind me that we had planned to go running. Yeah right. I made him believe that I was actually going to go. I even brought my running clothes and shoes. Jokes on him. We ate breakfast and met up with another kind of companion and his wife and baby to go to the river to swim. Please notice that everybody we talked to about swimming down there told us that it would be too cold. It wasn't. In fact. It was a lot warmer than it gets in most places that we swim. At this point I think is when Station lost his phone and we became proud co-owners of my little beauty for the trip.
Either way, the river wasn't even cold. the weather was blistering. and it was fun. Station and his kind of companion then played the aiming game and it wasn't a tie. But I am not saying who won. Because that would be mean.

We then went over to heaven. on. earth. Really. We did. It is called Taste of the Carribean. You see, that is where Station went on his mission. And as you can imagine he misses the food. Webster, his kind of companion, found this place had been going everyday.
When we walked in there it was a bright puke yellow paint with accents of smooshed grasshopper green on the walls and the paint job made it even more real. You know the kind? Where the paint is cracking at the top or bottom of the walls and is crumbling in random places. Nothing like a little lead paint to get you hungry. There were little picnic-like tables all around with a pot-full of fake flowers along with a large painting of the islands and some flags. At the front desk the island drinks were laid out nicely and there was a large chalkboard with the menu listed in bright colored chalk. IT WAS AWESOME. I decided that puke yellow was the perfect color for a place to eat and even though I wont be doing a kitchen anytime soon, I think that will be what I do. I will do without any paintings or fake flowers though.
As for the food? pretty delicious too. Station also got a drink called Ting which is like Sprite, but instead of a lemony kind of taste it was grapefruit. I got the chicken curry. It was delicious. I want curry everyday of my life because of this place. But enough of that.

{Station is reminiscing and just loving it all}
After lunch we went our different ways and Station and I headed to the Santan Mall. We walked around for a while. Got lost. Got found. Thought about a movie. Even a chick flick. I always feel guilty making guys watch a chick flick and I haven' really made Station watch any except Titanic. Which. was on tv. So really it wasn't like we watched the whole thing. But we ended up not watching anything.

{I am eating plantains. Again. So Good}
So we walked around a little and decided that the perfect thing right now would be Dairy Queen. So we went. As we were walking, a mall cop walked by and asked if we needed help. Maybe it was because Station had a suspicious look on his face. Maybe it was that we were looking at a map. Maybe it was because Station said that he thinks that that same cop was one that told him to get off his skateboard because Station 1. is a sk8er boi and 2. rides his skateboard in areas that are not for riding. Any of those are possible options. But we found Dairy Queen and walked in, hitting a guy with the door as we walked in, I don't think Station noticed and the guy looked preeeettttyy peeved so I just kept walking and scooted in front of Station in case there was going to be a brawl. I can't be getting my hur all messed up. The same time we walked in an Indian, as in India Indian, lady walked in with her daughter. The mom was speaking swiftly and mean to her and the girl at the cash register was giving the mom looks of death. Great. Another potential brawl. Once they decided to order, we ordered and sat down. Across the room there was a guy saying the eff word every two words. LOOOVVVEE it. I felt like I was in a war zone. IN THE DAIRY QUEEN. All I want was a yummy orange julius. But we lived.
Once we got out of there, we went and sat down at a bench and watched people as they walked by. Most of them being teenagers. We decided that we are now old enough to start talking about kids these days. Little sluts. Just kidding. I shouldn't write that. In fact I should delete it. Buuutt. I wont.

{the chalkboard}
We thought about going in to get my finger sized. ya know. that finger. But I chickened out. poor guy. Then we got a call from Wilcock saying come on over. So {Wilcock's glorious wife who cooks great black bean burgers} came and lead us to Wilcock's parents house. Which. Wow. Seriously. Amazing. Wilcock's said glorious wife has pictures of it on her blog. go check it out. Talk about amazing. Her whole house was filled with little paper things that my mom would swoon over. Also. All of her couches in the front room are covered in burlap to add to the effect. And this was just the front room. The back room had a wall of shelves with tons of vintage dolls with little toys. It didn't feel like Arizona heat, cactus pictures, and coyote outlined metal things. Not that I am against those things. They are great. But this, this was magic for all females around. I could have just sat in those rooms, even if it wasn't in Arizona. It was so cool. And Wilcock's mom was so cool too. I told her about my major and she got all excited and had her daughter bring out a bag, I think it was burlap too, full of Indian pottery shards. I think Station was about to fall asleep, but it was cool. I loved it. That's right dad. I just LOOOOOOVVVVVEEE Indians, feather in hair indians that is. But we had a fun time there and Wilcock's parents invited us over to their house to swim in their backyard. Sweet.

We got back to the Wilcock's abode and were again treated to some jokes and entertainment by Wilcock. And that ends the second day of our trip to Arizona. I didn't take any pictures for the rest of the day so this is all lunch pictures.