This weekend Station and I packed up and shlepped on down to Arizona for me to get my final evaluation by the one and only Wilcock. Who just so happens to be a companion of Station's while he was on his mission to the West Indies. Which is the Caribbean. Not India.
Anyway. He and I left Wednesday morning bright and early at six.... a.m. You can tell that we are not near the stage where my parents are, where my dad states a time knowing full well that it will be another three hours after the set departure time. Because we left AT six. But the ride was fun. At one point we were talking about driving and how I would never drive to California because it takes too long and that was the time that he decided to tell me that the very drive we were on takes longer. Great. Turn around please. Juuust kidding. I really had fun and Station kept me laughing by saying funny things. A lot of the talk was about how funny Wilcock is and how I will never meet another human as funny as him. I figured that I wouldn't argue, even though 20 is a young age to be peaking at finding the funniest person ever.
Later on, for lunch, Station and I stopped at some campsite to make sandwiches and eat cheetos. and look lovingly into each other's eyes.
Once we got back on the road I started to get claustrophobic. I had to play it cool and almost lasted the whole ride until about hour 10 when I just couldn't handle another moment and had a little freak out. The turmoil within me was unbearable and I was sure that I was going to explode into confetti if it didn't end soon. However, with my impeccable directional skills I got us lost for a little bit making both of us more crazy than ever. If we didn't know Mesa then we sure knew it then. Actually. We still got lost every time we left the apartments.
After all that fun, we settled down to let Wilcock entertain us starting from the first thing he said to me. Station was telling a story and all of the sudden Wilcock says "you have nice teeth". I said thank you, but in my head I am thinking "should I tell him that they are half fake?". I didn't. I just said thanks. And went to bed. Well I didn't go to bed right after, but I can't remember anything else. And that ends the first day of the trip to Arizona.