Monday, October 25, 2010

He's Your Last Chance

Ring size fitting you ask? Oh yeah. About that. Well it turns out that I am in love. And I am ready to get married dang it! To, ya know, Station. {I don't know if you haven't noticed his presence in the posts.} I remember just a few days after my first date with him and {sister 3} suddenly says something to the affect that he was my last chance at getting married. Great. Thanks. This guy who I barely know and scares the crap out of me? Apparently she had more insight then I thought. But that isn't what this is about. I am not going to get sappy. This is a funny story. And it starts with Friday
So Friday, Station and I went around doing some little things here and there down in Orem. But before that I met up with him at his house in Riv. He said to just walk downstairs when I got there. So I did. When I walked downstairs he walked out of the downstairs kitchen and was surprised. No big deal. He said i still have to shower. So I go sit with some of his family while I wait. We then went to Orem to do our thing and eat at J Dawgs which had a small parking lot and a lot of people. Once we got our dawgs we sat down and were just talking and all the sudden. I don't remember how it happened. I just asked if he had bought the ring. He acted funny. We kept going back and forth. Him saying no i don't have it. Me saying i know you do just tell me the truth. Then he said something about this morning. CLICK. I then remember his brother in law saying something like "station don't forget...." and Station saying "yeah I got it". And his mom was downstairs eating breakfast with his sister and brother in law. He must have the ring. I began to dig myself a deep deep hole of believing myself so much that even when Station pinky promised me that he didn't have it I still thought he had it.
Finally. He told me that I needed to settle down because I sounded crazy. He was right. I sounded absolutely crazy. Who just asks those kinds of things? So we went on with the day with only a few disturbances when I looked at him and he told me to stop thinking about it.
Saturday. Same deal. He even called me delusional about thinking he had the ring. The thing was. He had just sold stock. I caught him getting advice from Emily Wilcock {who makes a a great black bean burger}. He told me that he had in fact asked for advice from both of my older sisters. And the morning deal. And he just seemed too smiley. BUT. He is horrible at keeping secrets. And it isn't so much that I egg it out of him like it may seem. He just says things that give it away way too easily. That was what really made me think I was crazy. There was no way that he could withstand all that talk and not give away any information. Veeeerry un-Station-like. So I gave up. We went to the Utah game. It was raining it wiped away any memory of me thinking he had a ring.
Sunday. usual thing. we go to our separate wards and then meet up after church to go to dinner at his parents house. The dinner was great. The people were great. It all was just great. Station is playing with {baby o} and I am sitting chatting with {nephew c} about how kissing is okay since Station and I are getting married. I think. Weird. He usually tells us we can't kiss UNTIL we are married. But that is the extent of my though process.
Then like a gust of wind {nephew c} says,"and he has your ring." What? ring? I look up at {brother in law} and he has an exasperated look on his face along with Stations family. Except Station. He was unaware of anything being told. RING? I was right? I am not delusional? PERFECT!! Then I look back at {nephew c}'s face and he had a look that I am sure was either scared that his dad might not be too happy. or worse. Station. The relationship between Station and {nephew c} is one where Station throws him on the couch and he bugs Station until he does it again until he gets in trouble. There is a lot of rough housing between the two of them.
But once we all looked at each other. Mind you. I am busting out all 32 teeth in a grin. Trying to hide it. Because come on. I shouldn't be so happy that I was right. Brother in Law says to Station, " should probably talk to {nephew c}". Station looks up. Just like in slow motion. He looks at {nephew c} and looks at me. And he knows. And he is mad. I could see the joy of actually keeping a surprise right out of him. However, he had to act cool. No big thing. His sister on the other hand was furious at Brother in Law and as he walked by her you could hear him defend himself by saying something like it wasn't me. I think he had to say that a lot that night. He is pretty mischievous. I proceed to give {nephew c} a high five when nobody is looking and then go play candy land with him and his sister.
Fast forward a little bit and Station and I are sitting next to each other and he tells me to stop smiling. okay. stop....blinking. what a command. He then tells me that he is going to kill {nephew c}. He says that I will be seeing it in the news tomorrow. I have always wanted to date, and marry, a criminal. We decide that maybe leaving the room will allow him to think clearly.
We are then sitting around and Station asks if it makes me nervous that the ring is in the very room we were in. Yep. it does. Once he sees that, yes, it does. He stands up and goes into his closet. He then comes out. with a box. Yep. a brown velvety like box. No I am not kidding. He then SETS THE BOX NEXT TO ME AND JUST LOOKS AT ME. no. nope. no i am not kidding. He picks it up. opens it up. looks at it. and closes it. He then puts it down next to me and looks at me. He sits down next to me and asks if I want to see it. Yes. NO. yes. yes. maybe. no. yes and no. a lot of yes and a little no. more no for a little yes. He opens it up, looks at it again {as if he has not looked at it before}, and I see part of it. Sucker. really I am the sucker. I only saw part of the band. The only part that I already knew. Dang. For the rest of the night he taunts me with that box and leaves it next to us. Let it be known that when that ring is out of that box. I will break that box. I promise. We finally get that box tucked back behind his shoes and go back to my house where I tell my family the great story of his great little nephew.

**Station said that I should say in loving memory of little c, poor little guy**