Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Of Course You Do

So it is March. Yup. And guess what? not a single clothing item bought. I have money in the bank. The thing is. I sit and stare at my bank account and think....where is all this money coming from? What isn't showing up? I just am not used to this. The other thing I do is think of what I should use with it. I think if i have money it should be used. the whole saving money thing is really new. application is not my strongest move. I have figured out why I am this way. other than the application part. I have this small part in my brain that says " ohhhh money that means I can buy things...what do I need? fiber one bars? check." and then once I get to the check out line and I see the final amount that little coward part of my brain runs away!!!!! YOU COME BACK HERE AND PAY FOR MY FREAKIN STUFF!!!! It goes and talks me into getting crap like a room door bell that rings in the middle of the night out of nowhere and i swear the devil is at the door. AND my family would doorbell ditch me. Mind you this was in middle school. I no longer have one. But i would get one again. SEE!!! DO YOU SEE WHAT I AM WORKING WITH? Damn that part of my brain!! IT IS SO STRONG!!! Speaking of which I am really slacking on the whole 100 push ups deal. I really need to get on that. I basically have to start all over again.
On a much lighter note the Tulip Festival is soon and I am so excited. I love it so much. I usually go on my birthday by myself. I don't like people on my birthday blame my father. Not that he has ruined me. No. He just gave me his hermit gene. whatever no big deal.
My computer needs a new battery. So that is what I am saving up for. I went to some financial deal with BFFE's husband. She was working. We went with his parents. The more I try to explain how not weird it is the more weird it seems. Don't worry. Anywho. The guy talked about how paying with cash results in pain sensors going off in our brain whereas for debit it is way less and credit is SUPER low. Thank goodness I don't use my credit card. I am really thinking about throwing away my cards and going cash only. He said we really don't need credit....I am still trying to figure out how that is. Maybe I misunderstood. Anyway. I am going to try to use more cash this month. That is my monthly goal. A Foodie Stays Fit is what gave me the idea of doing a monthly goal. And she was the one that started the 100 push ups. The thing that I am failing miserably at.
On a totally not connected topic my school says to wear green on wednesdays. Because it is wolverine wednesday of course....but I always manage to wear red. I think I am revolting subconsciously. Maybe it is the spending part of my brain. Either way. I am not wearing green.
Anyway. This may become an overly crazy post so I am going to stop here. I have no pictures. That is because I keep saying. oh yeah I will go out today and I never do. I just take a nap. Tomorrow. Though the weather has been good. Basically I just need to get a new tire on my grandma's bike then I can go places easier. Alright. I am done. bye