Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Extra Wheel Is Always Important

Last weekend I was able to go to BFFE's cabin with her and her hubby, *Bob and *Money, and later *Ashinta and her husband. Of course those aren't their real names that is why they have a star in front of their names. But that is besides the point.
If you count you can see that there is an odd number. But that is okay. It really didn't bother me. I, luckily, have never felt like I need a relationship. Besides, they all are pretty normal people and can function without dancing in the kitchen. Not that dancing in the kitchen is unacceptable. Whatever. To get to the point. We had some serious fun. Behind BFFE's cabin is a ravine, I still don't know how to spell it, and we went sledding. We talked about names for our babies. I like the name Esther and everybody hated it. IN FACT. I guess that boys named Boston make fun of girls named Esther. Bob sure knows his stuff. BFFE has some pretty odd name choices that her husband so lovingly denied. All he wants is a girl with my name. For real. I am that legit. I told them I would name my kid Jexi. Well. Or maybe something not so futuristic. I found out that the Jehovah's Witness are still doing their sacrament even though they have surpassed the said saved number. I thought they would have stopped. And that kids these days are way too apathetic. We sounded intelligent, stupid, clever, crazy, and old. I am becoming an adult more and more. It is all the fiber BFFE's husband is force feeding me.

That would be BFFE's husband on his glory of a horse he and she made at the fair last year. It is made out of carpet. It is a deer if you can't tell. They got many little ribbons.
It doesn't look like we have much fun but we do
We also hung out and laughed hard. We "played" some yoga and ended up having a couples stretching time and a little break dancing as well. I opted out and just took pictures for those two experiences.
I found some sort of goopy stuff in the fridge so we did a clean out and found some pretty nasty stuff. We had to prepare with nose plugs
This is the ravine that we played in.
There was a mouse and the boys prepared to fight it but ended up just putting out some poison and calling it good. What is with men these days? they just need to trap it. dang it. I of course don't do those sorts of things. Un-lady-like.

Anyway I am giving blood for the first time at a blood drive at my institute later today and I am freaking out. I may or may not have texted all (two) the people I could think of. I am dying inside because I hate needles, but they need my blood dang it!! and being afraid isn't an excuse anymore. I am scared I am gonna pass out. I tend to do that. Shoot I need to tell those stories. I know I am gonna squeeze my muscle when they tell me to relax and I know that I will look at the needle and my blood leaving me even though I have told myself not to. I get sweaty all over just thinking about it. I just hope I don't have the type of blood my dad does because then they will always ask me to come and I will feel guilty for having beautiful blood and not giving it. I guess I feel that way anyway. I begged {sister/roomie} to come and sit with me so that if i do faint we can laugh about it later instead of my being mortified. Anyway. Give blood if you can, {sister} can't because she doesn't have enough iron in her body.