Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well That's Just Odd

So on facebook, I find it odd that people are adding some sort of a thing where they can see who is looking at their profile. I thought the idea of facebook was to get friends and let them see what you are up to these crazy days. I could care less if my friends look at my page twenty times a day. I put pictures up to be looked at. Not in a vain kind of way. In a this is what I am doing kind of way. ohhh facebook. {sister} and I have talked about it and we are really feeling like it is over rated. obviously. but really. 1 on 3 couples that have a facebook are cheating on their other half. I need to cut my time on the internet. I need to read more and be outside more. I will add that to my March goal.
On a different subject. Have you seen that Victoria's Secret commercial where they are rubbing themselves excessively and saying "I love my body". Of course. It is like the great Dove commercials gone wrong. Horribly disgusting. It is a joke really. I just thought Dove should revolt. Along with that we should revolt all this flip flop wearing in winter. It makes my feet cold to watch them. It makes me suffer for them. They gotta stop.