Monday, March 29, 2010


My concentration has gone out the window these past few days. Well...all my life but even more so lately. Thankfully, I don't have a big test to take tomorrow. oh wait. I do. and it is on the termination of Indian's treaties. Don't freak dad I wont go into details. I should be studying who William Zimmerman is or what the AAIA did for the Indians....but....I just can't seem to do it. Good thing I only have til tomorrow to take the test. Dang.
Also. Turns out. Ricky Martin? gay. sorry mom. I don't know how anyone is surprised. It seems like everyone is gay. Well anyone who is famous. But don't worry I am not going to talk about gay people or my thoughts on it. We have all waged that war.
I am thinking. It is almost time for school to end. Maybe that is where all my concentration has scattered to. The bright hope for my waking up on my own instead of being blasted alive for another monotonous day. Okay really school is great and not monotonous at all. I just am excited to be outside all day. Except for when I work, which wont be much it seems. At least I have a job this summer. I nearly died of lifeless agony last summer. Here is to a better summer!!
Also just some news on my life. I have been playing rec. volleyball every Thursday. Pretty awesome. Made me re-realize why I can't play that game. jumping and looking and trying to hit the ball is way too much for my concentration-less mind to comprehend. Give me a stick and a small ball and keep me from having to jump around in spankies. done. None-the-less. I am doing it. It is fun. Though I have been told that I have awkward movements multiple times. I am just glad I can laugh at myself. And the old ladies that we play. okay they aren't THAT old. but they are much older than me. One day I will be just like them. ha. One can only hope.
Anyway. I am off to do more studying. Then off to put together some questions to ask those who eat only organic food. oh. speaking of which. I will be eating only organic food for a week. Therefore. I will have no money. Thank goodness I am not buying any clothes. Don't remind me. what is summer without new clothes? I have been trying to talk myself into just quiting. It is that dang part of my brain. I wish it could do something more than make me feel bad about my closet. And don't tell me you haven't done that....I thought I was going to go study now too. alright alright. I am going. goodnight.

::some friends that come every year::