I feel like my hair is pretty easy going. If it had a personality that is, it would most definitely be easy going. Like unto myself. However, why is it that I can't get someone to cut it? I either end up with an a-line, of which are not bad I just didn't ask for it, or I end up with highlights....which. good grief that requires an explanation doesn't it?
Well I went to a certain place to get my hair cut and colored, mind you I don't color my hair, other than/then ? when I did color it a red-ish color. So I go in. expecting to be in and out. I say I want my hair color to be the same as my eyebrows, they are some serious dark babies, and she says okay. Then she starts talking about highlights. I think....okay as long as it isn't too thick or anything. She takes years to get it on my hair, I am no color smarty but it seemed EXTRA long. I am still just still there with tin foil springing from my head and dark moosh everywhere else. Once she decides it is finally done she takes me to rinse it all out. eesh. Please mind you. I am not picky. Really...I am not. I just want simple. This. this was not simple. It looked....bad....to me at least. Too carmelly...obviously people put that color in their hair all the time but I don't so if you are offended that I said it was carmelly don't be. be offended that I am too wimpy to say anything about not liking it. She begins to finish up. I leave. I don't tip so I know I wont be coming back because that is mean not tip. Then as I thrust my fingers through my hair I feel the coloring stuff still, thickly coating the under layers of my hair. Along with all over my face. Awesome. Does this happen all the time? If that is the case who would want to get their hair colored?
Anyway. I got my hair cut somewhere else and it went all well except she cut my bangs a bit too short. So I either look like Tina Fey did on 30 Rock when she cuts it. Or I look like I have monk bangs. Either way it is hindering. I finally decided to tough it out and just wear them normal instead of pulling them back. I have to keep my eyebrows high to hide the fact that they are hidden. I am just glad that I made sure they weren't manly. Then I would have to add in the Beatles...and who likes them anyways. So I decided that I would show a picture of them. Mind you. Eyebrows are raised so they look pretty good. Either way. I will be cutting my bangs from now on.