My brother is working on his Eagle for quite a while now. Can I say that? He just takes his sweet time. But as my siblings and I were watching The Princess and the Frog last weekend my sister stands up and looks out the window and we see our neighbor putting up a sign. It said "BKR IT'S EAGLE TIME". BKR is my brother. and he is right. it is Eagle time. He is almost done. I will take pictures. He is making wooden, fake guns for people to learn how to use them in hunter's safety or something dangerous like that. You didn't know that fake guns were dangerous did you? yes they are. Anyway. {sister}'s friend was over and decided to scare our neighbor and the rest of the story will be told in pictures.
he begins by sneaking around
then stops for a quick jig
Now chloe gets into the swing and gives them away
they chat away as BKR sleeps.