Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Station is in his third week of law school and I keep wondering why nobody told us it would be hard..oh wait. The first week the family members of the law students were invited to eat free lunch and listen to the things that we should expect while they are in law school. STRESS. That is what they told me to expect. It was not a pleasant experience and many times I wondered what the heck we got ourselves into. Obviously, I am not the one having to remember everything and read a whole lot, but stress is stress, especially when it is your spouse. The first week was mostly introductory and the second week was the real deal. It is great that I married such a hard working person because it is a lot. Station gets up at 5:30 to get to school at 6:00 to study all day. I know that plenty of people don't have the opportunity to go to law school and we are grateful for the experience and ready to stretch and grow. One of the things that Elder Oaks said at the dinner was that lawyers are the watchmen (or women) to keep people safe and make sure that we are being treated equally and it really made me realize what he is doing is more that temporal. It seems like we are getting the hang of things. At lease that is what it seems like, finals aren't for a while.

I love my Station and I know he can do it. Any positive vibes toward him would be absolutely appreciated!