So since Station is new to my blog and I haven't given him much of an introduction AND it was his birthday last week. I will do them at the same time. So for your entertainment, I introduce to you, Station:
I have always had a thing for calves. But never in my life have I seen calves like his.
Nope. That isn't just because of the shadow. That is for real.
I first met Station at {sister}'s friends house. They all are intermingled in friendship. He was stacking pepsi cans. I was scared of him and his pepsi stacking skills. So I just watched from a distance. That has nothing to do with the picture. That picture is of Station sleeping...and I am next to him....sleeping.
Station has great style. I am always amazed at the amount of corduroy that guy possesses. He also has a large collection of ties from his mission. He is very particular about his tie. Don't mess it up.
Station LOVES basketball. and is a reeeaaal baller. He also loves college football too.
The first date Station and I went on, he threw all his trash at my feet and said that is where the trash goes and to not throw it on his side because he was driving. That is Station. So funny. He makes me have a double chinned laugh 90% of the time I am with him.
Station also pretends to be afraid of dogs. Which is probably one of the funniest things he can do. I can't even explain how he does it, but it is hilarious. I really don't know if he is really afraid and just uses it to be funny or if he doesn't care. Either way he says no dogs. Sorry Chloe.
Do you see his skin? He was unemployed this summer. That is why we were always together. and he was a tanned goddess.
He can grow a mean porn stache. I can't decide if I like it or not. It is a love hate thing.
He also does the robot. All the time. And it is pretty great.
See the stache? So creepy. But so cool. See the guy next to him? When we say how we met we say we met through a mutual friend. That is the mutual friend. and what a fine feline he is.
So hip. So cool. He skateboards. For real. So hot. It is every girl's childhood dream to marry, let alone date, a sk8er boi. which he loves being called. all the time.
Station is very particular about his music. Not just what he listens to. But his Itunes is out of control. It is so organized. But if you look at anything on his computer, it is very organized.
One of my old friend's mom knows Station's mom and her sons say that he is the funniest guy. For real. He is. But not only that he is observant of things that people need. For about half a year I have had to lug around my computer cord everywhere because I needed a new battery and out of the blue he got me a new battery. Station may be funny, but he sure takes care of me.
I have never been so amazed by somebodies range of vocal skills. One time, we were driving back up to R town and a song came on that was super low and Station went right with it. His family is super musically talented.
Station is such a guy. Not only does he dive like a guy. He likes cars like a guy. and like his grandpa. he likes to see destruction like a guy. Anything guy-like and Station is all over it.
He carved a pumpkin of my face. Haha. Do you see his hair? The first time I touched his hair was on our fourth date and I was in love at that moment. with his hair. it is so thick an luscious. and blonde.
see? he is funny. who would wear that kind of stuff? Again on our first date I remember the first time I walked next to him and he walked kind of with a hop. I thought it was great. I don't notice it now. so I think that means that I am now hop-walking as well.
Station likes photography too. He is adobe certified. I hate using photoshop so we work perfectly together. Whenever we are in the car, he always mentions how beautiful the mountains or something like that are. I love it. He is very aware of the beautiful things around him.
He went to the Bryce Canyon trip too. When we say how we met, we typically say that this is where we met. Even though we had sort of met before at his friend's house. I was scared to take pictures of him because I didn't want him to think that I was obsessed. He can be a little intimidating at times.
Station has flexible shoulders. It is weird to see him put his arms behind his head because he looks like an amputee. This is Bryce Canyon again. On this trip he told me that he didn't like my brother. I couldn't tell that he wasn't serious. He just hated how much {kyle} and I talked about him. But once he got to know {brother} he found out why. And now he can't be rivals with him because he is so cool.
Station asked me to take this picture. I wasn't sure why he was making that face. Haha but now that is a usual face. Our friends down in Arizona told us that we should make the ugliest faces at each other. I still don't dare. Station has. One time I made a face because the fire alarm was going off and he told me to not make that face again because it was ugly. I am now more careful with the faces I make when my eardrums are being shredded apart.
This is how close I dared to get to him on the trip. I have a real spacial issue. {friend} told me to mimmic him. I was so scared he would get bothered. So I did it as quickly and quietly as possible. On our third date Station got the nerve to hold my hand while we were watching Lord of The Rings. So he held out his hand and I thought that he was shrugging his shoulders {and to be honest, I was so scared to hold his hand since it had been a whole two years since I had done anything like that} so I just said, "what?". he told me he wanted to hold my hand.
That same night he was planning in kissing me. he says that it is the third date that he shoots for a kiss. But I was so nervous that I was breathing so hard so it freaked him out so he just ran out of the house without a hug or anything. It was so strange and funny.
{friend} had just thrown a piece of food at Station so he is bothered by her. The first few times I was around Station was when I was playing ultimate frisbee with him and {mutual friend}. Station was so mad at his team because we were beating them. This didn't help the intimidating feature.
Station is super goal oriented. It blows me away. He has all of these great and glorious ambitions and I love that I get to ride along, and maybe help out a little, to see his goals come to light. One goal that I know he has is that he wants our kids to be NBA players. One of the first things he talked about with me is the chance that my children will be tall and very talented sports players. I told him that I will not allow my children to be in the NBA. I guess we will cross that bridge if we ever get there.
Another thing Station does that is really funny is that he makes lists. He is such a list maker. In his mission journal he has all these lists of number of times certain things happened. How many times did he get a hand shake? yup. he has it. number of times he was called "white boy"? he has that too. He also counted how many exclamation points were made on my facebook relationship change when I said I was engaged. 100. and out of the twenty comments only three people didn't use them.
I used to be super hesitant about marriage. And I think that Station has been very patient and has proven that not all marriages have to end badly. When we first started dating I had a lot of questions and worries about marrying, but because of him and other things I have no doubts that Station is the guy for me.
Station loves kids. They seem to flock to him. Especially the boys. He will rough house with them until someone gets hurt or someone gets in trouble. Which makes it seem like he is so great with them....but really. It is good to know that he isn't afraid of babies or children.
Station is so smart. I like to tell him that a lot. But I am for real. He is really great at just taking information and making it understandable. Like gospel oriented things. It is so great. I have loved hearing him talk about it and listen to his lesson and give a talk because he takes stuff like the Old Testament and makes sense of it. Very useful tool to have in a future husband.
I like how down to Earth Station is. One time he locked his keys in his car and he found a way to get in it with hanger instead of just sitting around pouting. That doesn't even apply to him being down to Earth.
This is so cheesy. I am sorry. But I sure do love his laugh.
When he and I went to the Ingrid Michaelson concert that he surprised me with, I had to pee so bad in line and he took me around the whole neighborhood to find a place for me to go. I was so glad that he wasn't upset with my lack of planning or my lack of bladder size. He was mostly was amazed at the speed my bladder fills itself.
Station is always thinking about me. I don't know if I have ever been served so much in my life since I have known him. He is always taking care of me. I guess it doesn't matter if that sounds super cliche because it is true. I have been worried about certain things about the actual wedding and he has taken it upon himself to either take care of it, or not talk about it so that I can take a break. Mind you. It has only been three days of being engaged. I had no idea how many little details were required in making a wedding happen.
This doesn't even begin to say anything about Station. But it must come to an end. I am just glad to be where I am with Station and that we are getting married together, with each other. I love him. And Happy Birthday To Him!!! {last week}