Monday, November 8, 2010


This Friday was Station's birthday. So, I decided that I would enlist my brother to go and decorate his car with a little banner. So I made the banner, waited until Thursday night, and begged {brother} to come with me by telling him I would buy him any food he wanted.
As I was waiting Thursday night for Station to get off work and go to bed I could tell that my help was growing weary when he sneaked downstairs after giving a lame greeting. This was going to be bad and there was no way that I was going to go and put that up myself and have his neighbor come out with a gun. Not that that would happen. But I stayed awake anyway. However, I received no text saying he was home, even at eleven thirty. Weird. He really wants those hours I guess. So I kept watching horrible nighttime tv and waiting for his call. At midnight I gave him a "happy birthday" text and fell asleep. I woke up at one and decided to text {brother} and if he was awake I would drag him to Station's house to quickly set up the banner and get back to bed. He didn't text back. Of course. That means I was going to bed. So I did.

I woke up at one point that night to find at text at 1:20 saying thanks. I figured he went and hung out with some friends and just went back to bed. When I woke up the next day, I got ready to go running with Station. It was his birthday wish. Weirdo. I just went along with it because I wasn't going to ruin it. So I pulled on my mom's hoodie and some running shorts and waited for him to come get me. When he got there, he was wearing his Oregon jersey, under armor, shorts, and some gloves. Nice. We got in his car and he began driving around and talking about how he "thought" he knew where the trail started. Once we got there, he tried to park in the middle of a round about, and I had to really weasel him out of staying parked there.
We parked. Got out. And started walking. Station did a few precautionary walking stretches, which are always hilarious. And we just walked. He didn't even pressure me to start. Not only that he was telling me all these nice things. Which is totally not against character, just that he was doing it A LOT. Finally we started running. He was being way too fast. I had to tell him to slow down. Now, I realize that he was probably so excited that he couldn't slow down. I just thought that he was going to make run faster if I were to run with him. Once we got that all figured out and we were at a good pace we turned a few turns and then we came up to the side of Bangerter Highway where there is a chain link fence. On that chain link fence was a design that had a heart and said "Marry Me" and then some squiggly somethings. I just woke up and I still can't find my glasses so I had no idea what that was. I laughed in my head. That is funny. How awkward for us. How funny too. And then I thought for a real second. That is some real nice font going on there. Not just anybody would be able to pull that off. I look over at Station and he is staring straight ahead. Something is up. I look at him again and he is looking at me. I jokingly say, "Is that you?" and he says, "maybe."

Fwwwaaaah? What happened to December? Sweet sugar Station is proposing? Good glory. We get a little closer. I still can't tell what those squiggly things are at the end. And he turns and gets on one knee. I think he then says something like I love you and marry me and I don't really know if I say yes or even English, but somehow the ring is suddenly being slid on my finger. The whole thing was pretty surreal. I don't really know what happened to my brain, but it decided to just turn off. I wish I remembered what I said or he said. I do, however, remember laughing and hiding my face. Awesome. Always giving great confidence to my one and only. At least I didn't say no. There also were people running by as this was going on and I believe they seemed to be quite happy. Anyway. there was a lot of rejoicing and laughing. Because we don't cry. We got up closer and I saw the squiggly turned out to be the very "{}" I use all the time on this very blog and a much used irl in the middle. It means In Real Life, if you were, by chance, living under a rock the past little while. We took some pictures and found some "wild roses" by a rock and began our trek back to the car.

We, then, went, in our running clothes, to Mimi's Cafe. I may have told Station that we needed to go change when we saw a nice car outside and two men in collared shirts walked out. But Station didn't care. So we went in there, had some delicious food. And went on over to the new University of Utah store across the street. Station wanted the new Under Armor hoodie, but it wasn't there.
The rest of the day we just hung out. Because we were in extra love and we didn't need to do anything. Station went to work until nine and then we did more of nothing. While he was at work I decided to put up the banner, which was later torn down late at night in a mad fury that I didn't do it early enough for him to appreciate it. All day, we did a lot of calling people and going around showing people my new ring. My family even was able to sing happy birthday, or part of it, to Station in spite of my ring stealing his Many Years on Earth Day.

I think I should say that I am happy. Thuper happy. I love Station and my ring and the way he proposed and the way he is. But that is about as sappy as I will get for now.