Monday, January 19, 2009

St. George

{cleaning up after the party}

So since we are celebrating our wonderful Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday this weekend, a few people and I went down to [friend]'s condo in St. George that they have recently purchased. The man who formerly owned it was a clean clean man and very organized so it was very nice there. 
 This is of only one set of lights that are labeled nicely....along with all of the other light switches.  So we did some shopping....which was sort of a disappointment to say the least. [friend's sister] was sick so she was a little drugged which brought tons of laughing....not at her of course....only the situation.
The sleeping arrangements were figured out and [friend] and I were to sleep on a portable bed. And it definately earned it's name because by the end of the night we had moved from a comfortable air bed to having bars in our backs then to the ground when we gave up on it.
that is the end result of this piece of joy that was not only hard to sleep on but also hard to blow up. All in all it was quite a disappointment.
The next night we decided to celebrate and since the former owner left a good old Martinelli we got our drink on. 

After we drank our hearts away we played charades.