Monday, October 27, 2008

Manilla Mania

So this weekend my dad, Braiden, Madison, my uncle Rick, his wife Cindy, their son Jordan, and I went down....or up, I don't really know, to Manilla, Utah. It is a small town so much so that last year the graduating group was a whopping 4. I know. But my grandparents have two smallish homes there and they were in need of some winterizing and a few fixes here and there. First of all my grandpa had surgery on his ankle about eight weeks ago so he was an observer of sorts while all this was happening. Now the first thing was the old garage door that my grandpa put up himself needed to be replaced. 

It is sideways I know. But as soon as my dad said demolition Braiden and Jordan were all over that and began to pound away. Poor garage had no chance.

There the boys go carrying off the left overs. 
Now the men begin to construct the new garage. Needless to say there were many chiefs and not too many indians. But they did good with not having all the parts and the guide being made by geniuses, that is me being sarcastic. Ends up they package only came with one spring which I guess is bad and it did not come with the lock. So there it sits being locked with some sort of tool until they can go out again and spend another 20 hours. 

That would be my dad and uncle cursing the instructions and those who made it. 

And this would be my grandpa preparing for the revolt towards that certain garage door business. Please note the messy table behind him that he considers to be his work bench. The old man can find anything in that disaster. I guess you could say an organized mess.
During this whole mess the group was able to go out in the backyard of the houses and do some duck hunting. It was my first time witnessing it and I loving it. I, of course, was not shooting the gun and I am not planning on doing so but it was still cool to watch.

This is Maddy and my dad planning the attack.

Here was their chance to shoot the duckies, but these two missed. Jordan got one and Braiden claims that he shot one but couldn't find it. 
Also the boys got to get on the roof and clean out the chimney and got their fix of adventure for the day.

And on the drive home I was able to see a very pretty sunset. I made my family endure some freezing cold wind while I rolled down the window to catch a picture of this beauty.
The End.