Here are my friends!!! In fact my best friends. we all became friends our sophomore year in high school and have never gone back. Of course i must add that the other piece is missing. Our friend Bird couldn't come because he is going on a cruise with his family but this is us. We all are very different. Lexi, who is first is my numero uno best friend, plays volleyball. We have been friends for 18 long exciting years. We are going to the same college but are sadly not living together :( which has been really hard not to be able to hang out with her. She is honestly my other half of my brain. She is going into Radiology which is cool. She is my bestest bud and always will be. Then there is Abby who joined me and lexi and chal, she has gone her seperate way for a while, in about seventh grade but was a for sure friend in ninth grade. She is our groups music guru and will get after anyone who feels like changing up the words. She is a hoot and will not drink the top or bottom part of the milk carton. She is going to SLCC to be a nurse and she is dang good. Last year she went to Florida to compete against other people to see who is the fastest and most accurate nurse. She did really well!! Then Brian! oh brian keeps us all laughing honestly he has the weirdest ideas! He is getting set for a mission to French speaking Figi and will no doubt be a great asset to God's army! He is a loyal friend and will give anything up just to help us out. Then there is Zach who is .....just Zach. I have gotten to know him more because he and lexi are together and he is a nice guy at first i was hesitant to let him like my best friend but i have grown to enjoy him. He is very level headed and when he knows something that is not good he wont even do it. haha but he still is a hoot! Then there is bird who will be pictured at the bottom and Bird is crazy. He gets annoyed when people say this but he looks like shaggy but with brown hair. He wants to see a U.F.O. haha and is reading about a book right now about it. His real name is Brady but he has a walk to looks like a bird. None of the girls have seen it yet....who knows why that is!!! So there is our group. We are so different and all have so many different things to do.