When I got up to Draper, we didn't really know what was going on and then the train came. And then it left. E was devastated. He was nervous and scared that we were never going to get to where we needed to get to. Bless him.
Once we were dropped off again (Thanks for rolling with my crazy ideas Jess) we were ready to rock and roll. The train ride was a blast...as much as a blast as it could be.
Then the real fun began. First, we stopped at the Creamery to have a little food before we went to the museum. The food was mostly for me to prepare myself. I get winded easily and children often make me very tired. So I consumed as much of my food and E's food as I could without him asking why he didn't get any of his grilled cheese sandwich. (it's too big for you). Psych! He ate his whole sandwich while I stared at it in the most covetous fashion. That is also a joke. I was fully fed. I think E was too.
But in the middle of lunch, E had to go to the bathroom. What? Go? Can't you hold it?
This is where my young 5 year old self kicks in and screams "NO I CAN'T HOLD IT.......OH NO!!!"
So I get into stress mode, he is going to pee his pants and I don't think I have any pants or hoodies that I could turn into pants with duct tape. Flashback to Luanne's cabin and the smell of duct tape mixed with pee.
I then remember I am in Provo. I leave all of our things sitting all over the tables and we head to the bathroom. No big thing. I may think Provo is silly and in a bubble, but since it is in that bubble I might as well take advantage of it. No stolen bags or food. Provo, we love thee. Let us count the ways.
We then went and scared Station. E ended up being too nervous to actually scare him so I had to do it. Station joined us in the fun and E obliged because, well, Station has been especially nice to him lately. Once we get to the museum E is in heaven. A movie!! about Mario? It could have gone totally south and E could have been like "this is wack, let's go guys." but he loved it. and he and Station just sat there watching the whole thing. I just took blurry photos. Mrs. Lindorf would be so sad.
Part of the museum was just a room with activities and action figures. E and Station just stared at it.
E was telling him all the ones he knew. He knew many of them.