Thursday, February 14, 2013

Awake My Soul

 C. S. Lewis put it so perfectly "All this trying leads up to the vital moment at which you turn to God and say, "You must do this. I can't."

This year I have learned that love is more than just liking someone when they are doing what you believe is the right thing. You love them because you see them as your best friend, you see them as your eternal companion, and you do your best to always see them as God sees them. As someone who is imperfect, but a thankful and commited and very loving husband.

I have learned that my idea of love needed to shift and it is hard, but very worth it. I feel so deeply for Station in a way that I never would have without the "learning experiences" that we have. I have learned that when my love falls short of unconditional, that I can turn to God and ask for his help. And my old self would say that isn't love, that is being brainwashed or talking yourself into it. But I don't believe that. I believe that I am an emotional and irrational human most of my waking hours {and all of my dreaming hours} and I need to be grounded by being humble enough to ask for help to remember how amazing Station really is.

Love isn't what I thought it was, but who wants a shallow love anyway?