Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bryce Canyon Half

Another year to celebrate the glory of meeting my love. This year was a doozy. I had trained about never and wasn't even able to run a full 3 miles during that training that I never did. I was scared and was sure I was going to pass out during the run. It would have been romantic to have Station come to my aid though if that did happen. But we paid and we would run.... or walk.

Once we got down there, we just mozied around. They have a huge rock store, I have been a collector of such fine rocks all my life and will never quit loving them. We were lucky enough to be stopped by a police man, eat a fine restaurant, and play peggle.

Like always, we went to the LDS church in Tropic and set up our tents there. And like last always, there seems to be a family reunion in the church when we go. They always give us the stink eye when we sneak in to use the bathroom. While we were playing one of the stink eye'd men came out to tell us the sprinklers come on at 12:00 "just so ya know" he added kindly (sarcasm).  Luckily for us, he was wrong. They came on at 10:00. Luckily for him, Station and I were tented so close to one of the sprinklers that when it shot at our tent it peppered the one part that wasn't water proof, the zipper. I had no problem with this, I can sleep through anything, I thought. I told Station we would just sleep through it. At that point he finally mentioned that his pillow was soaking. Big deal, I thought. If he really wanted to move it, I would jump and he could push it forward. He wasn't into that. He said he was going out to move it, I said I would stay in the tent. He wasn't into that either. So out we went to live a real life Mario to dodge (or not dodge in my case) the sprinklers.

Once we got away from the wet ground we got into the dirt. That means mud. Wet pajamas and pillows, we tried to fall back asleep. I knew at that point, that beating last year's record would never happen. And it didn't, but I wasn't expecting to.

The run was fine. It rained half of the run. Station didn't experience it because he got third in his age group so the rain hadn't come by then. But that was probably the easiest run all because of the rain, and it wasn't freezing when we woke up at 4:30.