In better news, Station and I will now be seeing each other on weekends only. Please and Thank you. You can go ahead a flood my comment box (jokes on you if you try) with wo-is-me stories about you never seeing your shnooky for semesters on end because of "class conflicts", but you can go ahead and leave that to your own blog.
Okay, I am joking. Tell me about it.
Anyway, Station did a GREEAAAATT job on his test test test-a-roo. And is working his tail off at getting things nice and fancy for schools. In honor of his greatness, I made him a hat, courtesy of left over glittery foam and paper from our primary class.

He hasn't worn it yet, but I am sure he is just busy right now. So we will save that post for later. Let me go ahead and pull the cat out of that bag and say yes, there are a lot of extension cords in that picture. But let's not go there again.