{Last Year}
A few weekends ago Station, Claire + Kyle and I all shlepped down to Bryce Canyon to give our thanks to the beautiful surroundings for making us all fall in love. We got a late start but had fun talking and laughing and the boys taking a pee break. Claire and I are proud of our strong bladder control.
Once we got down there and received our packets and lovely race shirts we went over to the spaghetti dinner that we planned on. But all the food was gone. Unless we wanted a roll and salad. Which I am sure would have dealt better on some of our stomachs.
At this time I became a large grizzly haired wolverine that was ravenous for my next meal. I skipped too many gas station doughnuts to not get food that would satisfy my morning run. Girl needs food. now.
We did find a place that had a bit of wait time. Which threw me over the edge into an eternal black pit with no end and no food. great company.
Finally we sat down and Claire showed her ability to maneuver her nose which threw Station into a fit of laughter. Then our food came. And we had no problem devouring it.
We went back to the white church that we stayed at last year and set up our tents. which. if you ever go camping with Station and I. I am sorry if you have to end up setting up our tent. I always was shoo-ing away flies and I am pretty sure Station was killing chipmunks and being forced to cook and eat them at the time that we were taught in our younger years. Thankfully, Claire and Kyle know what they are doing.
after they set up both tents we dragged them to where we wanted them and went to bed.
luckily our trusty phones did not go off at the time that we wanted so Station got to sleep 15 minutes longer. I was awake already since I was sleeping on a hill that divided my back into small pieces.
we got up. got dressed. and went on the bus. this year was a lot better than last year because last year i was ready to just say good luck to everyone because it was too early for a girl who rose at 7. Now that I rise at 2:30 and then 4:50 I had no problem at all. I think that helped.
It was a whopping 47 degrees, colder than last year. and I was sure I was going to die.
finally the race started and Station and I parted ways at the starting line as he jetted off and i casually went on my way. It was mostly down hill so I decided that I would go as fast as my body would allow and pace with other runners. At about mile 7 I was becoming delusional and was not sure what time we started and what time it was. math was not working. and that is why i don't even remember mile 7. all the sudden there was a sign for mile 8 and i was almost done.
this year the last three miles were not the worst thing in the world because i reminded myself that they were going to be long. once i got to about .2 miles away steve met up with me and i ran to the end. with about 9 minutes off my time last year. which sounds like nothing. but it is something for me.
anyway. here are some pictures.
{this year minus a human}
{our after race food that was tasty}