Monday, June 27, 2011

Bo Bo Been Farewelled

Yesterday, my brother gave his last talk before leaving to the MTC to learn Creole and head to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. There was a fun gathering after. Maybe not the best tradition to keep, especially when told not to. But it was fun.

Tenting it
Chatting while the one girl in the red is not allowed in.
thump thump tap game
Station is in the corner, looking at my face, as I hold the camera up. He thinks I am nuts.
Cookie Platter made by a Benson
G-ma and G-ma
OH WAIT!! That is the Bobes himself. Look at those fancy glasses! The gangsters in Flo Rida are totally going to get it.
OP! well! how did that get in there? NBD. Us just bein' classy.