Station and I got back an over whelming amount of pictures of our wedding. All ours. Glorious day. I ought to fire up that hard drive thing that I got for Christmas or there will be an over abundance of photos on my computer. Maybe I will post some here and there. But mostly. I will just scroll through them and laugh at all the awesome pictures.

Stations best pal from the old days got married this weekend. It was amazing. Station couldn't stop talking about how calm it was. Maybe because at our wedding he was running around doing things. very un-groom-like dear. It really was amazing. They handed out fans to the ladies and had lemonade. They even had umbrellas in the trees. Her dress was glorious. And their wedding was even glorious-er. The amount of Ranunculus was amazing. And they were huge. So great.
On Saturday, Station and I got up at a decent time for us, went running {well sort of}, ate food, and took said new married couple to the airport for them to par ooze in the Hawaiian islands. Station said that he needed a pick me up because we were going to so we went to the Gateway and ate some food. We then trotted over the the Planetarium. Every time I go I love it. Station kept asking me if I was sure that we don't have to pay to look at the stuff. I promised and he then asked if we are dorks. no. Then we got tickets to see the hazardous galaxy. or something like unto it. It was pretty cool. We got to learn about all the cataclysmic events that happen in the outer space. We also got to see the preview for the Led Zeppelin show. Station said that he would rather buy his own "stuff" and listen to the music at home. I advised that that wouldn't be an option. Either way, it turns out that the visual was just like the screen saver that looks like a colorful wisp. Considering we have seen Avatar we were disappointed.
After we went to the Gateway, we drove down separately to our parent's homes. I took pictures of {sister}'s MORP group and had friend come along. We even managed to break a tramp and make friend's ankle bleed down her entire foot. We then proceeded to hang out until Station's pastular party was over. Which didn't end until 2. boys will be boys.