Friday, May 27, 2011


So. It's official. I am officially married. It wasn't even hard. I heard all of these stories of "when i went to get my name changed they inspected my wallet for communist name tags and wrappers" and "the line was ages long and we were all malnourished". When really I went in, waited a few minutes, filled out two papers, one for the Social Security Office and one for the DLD, and I was done. Done. And with an official paper drivers license with a picture I have no excuse for. I wasn't stressed. I was calm. I wasn't wearing make up. but I didn't look like my dad. Which, isn't to say that my dad looks bad. but if i am trying to look like a girl, a man is not the look i am working towards. I was ready for the picture. The lady was very nice. I just....I don't know. I just look like i have a chneckin. Which IS to say that my head suddenly transformed into my neck to make it look like it was never ending. Except I still looked like my chin was held high and mighty.

AND. If it doesn't make things worse. I wore a shirt that had stripes that matched the background. Who has a shirt that matches the background? me. in fact. I have two. Well I had two and I happened to wear it on my last DLD adventure at age 16. Which happened to be much more exhausting. Yet, i managed a normal-as-can-be-with-too-much-insecurity-make-up-on-and-scared-of-large-lady picture. And out of rage, the lady didn't crop the picture for my first license so my head was literally floating. Spot on colors. Who in the WORLD has two shirts with that same wild blue? And don't get me started on my signature that curls at the end because of the length of my name. Think about those kinds of things when you name your children. Curved signatures look sloppy to police officers. They don't take you seriously in your grandma's explorer. But I digress. This time, however, the nice bubbly lady with dimples the size of raisin, who made me sign my "new name" twice cropped it so you couldn't see that striped shirt that matched the background. I don't know if I am okay with it. I had a good thing going. And it was going by pure nature leading me to wear that shirt, two days in a row, to that DLD to get my picture taken AND THEY CROPPED IT! Some people might feel that is a good thing. I just feel like i was worked by the man.

But what do I know? My signture STILL curves with my new last name.