The morning of, I woke up with Station at 2:20 to make him oatmeal and send him out the door to go to work. I then slept in. Got ready and was made breakfast by Station. He then said he had to go to school, which he said last week that he didn't have to, got ready and left. But without his laptop. Poor Station. Not a very tricky soul. I mosey around getting ready and get a call from Station asking if I had left, at this point I decide that he is doing this to be funny because i saw him go upstairs when leaving and i texted him why he did that and he asked if i was conspiring something again. So i tell him that i think NOTHING is up, grab my things and run out the door to go to laundry at my parents house. 5 hours later I come home, a lot tired, and firm in the fact that i will never do laundry again. especially thick coats and towel laundry.

BUTTT.... I came home to this little decor of the room. One step at a time and the place will be ours. Let us all hope that day does come before we move out. The shelf was made by Station and his dad. And Station also snuck down to IKEA on Saturday to get the side tables and frames from our parents. Excuse me. You like the wreath? You DOOO?? Well, why don't you GET one? GO. Go now and get
one here!! They are made by my cousin-in-law! She makes them all!
After I hoo-hawed home, I saw the beautiful room, Station and I went to Jimmy Johns and Gourmandise. Came home and ate our food. Oh and look at those egg-tastic place mats! Made especially at the Dollar Store. We were gifted them from neighbor to decor-EGG-te for Easter. We never eat a meal without our phones. Gourmandise is delicious. We got a tartlette, cheesecake, and Baklava. How festive. Everything is really good there. Or it looks good. I was dressed in sweats and lookin sharp as a tack. But it didn't matter. Why? because I turned older. Older people dress in sweats all the time. Ask my grandpa. It was a great birthday and my hubby(naturally) really surprised me with the great room. THANKS YOU! for the best day ever.