To catch up. I will start with this. April fools day. The day of fools. I was tricked by my newly beloved. I came home from work only to find this taped to our door.
you see. we should be paying $100 more, but our landlord gets bad sinuses in the winter and she had a bad headache when she had Station sign the lease and she did it for less than what it should be. She called and said that we need to pay more. Station called back. and like any good landlady, she hasn't responded. So we decided that we would keep paying what we signed to do and let her fix it when she will get in touch with us.
so now i am at our new apartment that we just moved everything possible in, including a table, finally, and i sit down and decide to call station. His response? just "what?". he then has me read the paper and I find that we have to exit the apartment in 14 days OR ELSE. I freak out. What has Station done to me? why did he make me move into this stupid place and make me move out because he wouldn't just pay the right amount?!?! I tell him that I will call her and settle things once and for all. He calmly says "nah, I'll do it." a minute later he says she didn't answer and he is almost home.
At this point I try to decide whether I should bring on the tears, just to add to the whole situation. But then, since it was Station's fault I was in this mess of moving into this stupid place, I didn't want to make him feel bad so I should just not cry.
He then walks in with a pitiful look on his face, that at that point I thought was defeat, really it was success. He walks over, takes the paper, flips it over {he said he practiced this} and says hmmmm. I say "LETS GO OVER THERE NOW AND FIGURE THIS THING OUT THIS INSTANCE!!" he says okay........I say "LETS GO!!" he says....." what day was this signed?" I think that was a normal question, because he had written her a letter with the rent that he "dropped off" saying that we are willing to talk about it. I then say "april first, today".
Then it dawns on me and all my adrenalin that was shooting towards our landlady turns itself on Station. I pounce on him and shake his head and pull his face skin back so he looks as awful as possible so the process of releasing my anger seems like I am doing it to an object and not so much my dearly. I begin to tell him how mad I am. I have no way of expressing myself without reeeeeaaaallly pulling his face skin back.
Once I get a hold of myself, I tell him that he can't revel in his trickory because that makes me want to pull at his face skin even more. The sign is now in a box that is needed to be unloaded, because I have not fully moved in. And I have angst against that poor sinusy landlady all because I was April Fooled.