Last Friday, before our Hockey extravaganza, we went down to good old Provo to listen to Kyle Wayne play some music. It was so nice to be able to park far away and walk without being too cold. And once we got there we were able to hang out with some cool people, Orem girls included, and look through some records.

{College Girls}
Once the show began I realized that I have really missed an opportunity to take some sweet pictures, but I left my camera in my car. I turn to Station to tell him that I wish I had it. He stands up and runs all the way to our far away car to grab my camera. He comes back in with my camera in tow. Talk about a sweet deal. He lets me use his coat in the snow and runs to get my camera. For the rest of the night Station was sweating. And I was taking pictures. with my phone. Turns out I forgot my Sim Card. No Sim Card, no pictures. Station wasn't even bugged. Or he didn't let me see that he was bothered. He probably was hyperventilating to the point where nothing was making sense anyways.
{Leaning In For A Kiss}
Anyway, we had a good time and got to see him perform while moving and grooving with the only person in the whole room with a beard. We were in Provo after all. There may have been a "Jimmer and the Ferdettes" joke and the only person to boo was Station. As soon as people found where that strange noise was coming from all I could see was looks of confusion on every face. They didn't get it. Why was he yelling like that? Why did it sound so.....unpleasant....while we are so filled with joy by that name? Station really doesn't care all that much tbh. I care more then he does about this jimmer kid. Don't get me started on his sniffs. I don't care what team he plays for. Don't sniff. That is all there is to it.

{Looking Happy} {This is a joke}

{Looking Handsome}
{This is NOT a joke}