Station wasn't able to sell his ticket to the Utah vs. BYU football game so he bought another and I tagged along. I have been to games before, but not really anything like this. It was scary. People in blue would walk by and they would be attacked from both sides with a lot of cursing and things of that nature. And don't get me started on what they were chanting. Station would look at me as if I was hearing these words for the first time. Bless his soul. Not only that, we were sitting by some real people. A certain kind of glitter used for a particular employment was all over one girl's face, so much so, that it looked like she a bad complexion. She was also not wearing pants, but instead just tights. She was in the same weather as me, but somehow she didn't need to wear three sweaters and two pants to keep warm. Station later informed me that people who are drunk don't get cold. I think that is why one guy lived when the Titanic sank. Or so I hear. Anyway. Station would look at me and tell me that they aren't even watching the game. I know. I know. This is a big deal. And they don't care. Finally we had had enough with hands on our shoulders and laughter and loud chanting in our ears so we went over to one of Station's friend and sat with him. The problem of getting over there is that my toes were frozen so walking became a bit of a problem. It was like trying to balance on two stumps while trying to catch up to Station as he weaved through the crowds. Once we sat down my feet were finally thawed, just in time for them to get frozen again. But other than that I was cozy. The game was intense. Or so they said. I wasn't paying attention. Just kidding. I watched. Station would do a lot of sitting down and standing up. " I can't watch, I have to watch", was probably what he was thinking.
I don't really need to recount the whole game, because I don't. I think it is on Hulu. And I bet Station has re-watched it multiple times by now. But once BYU's kick was blocked, Station's friend bursted down the stairs to the field. Station looked at me like lets do it. What? People really do that? So, I dragged myself, and my frozen again feet down to the field. Which is where Station was able to just run around and pat the players backs and high five people and do a lot of fist thumping.
The game was great. The chanting wasn't. But I had fun. And....I am ready to hang up my going to games shirt for a while. and cozy up to the fire. Unless somehow Station is able to find some way to get to the Vegas Bowl. Then I will gear up again. But with more socks this time.

This is a picture of Station and Shaky. Where is Shaky you ask? Well see the "SM" on that jersey waaaay back there? That is Shaky. And I don't really know if that is his real name or not. But I guess he is pretty good. He can run and stuff.