Monday, December 13, 2010

Old School

{Station filling up his car with gasoline as I watched in my ugly dress shirt}
A few weeks ago, Station and I went around looking for gangsta clothes for a gangsta party we were invited to. Which ended up going really well. However, in our search we began to lose track of time and had to cut the shopping short because I had an English class to get to. So we drove off to get me to my class. As we were driving, we were joking around and then all of the sudden Station grunts and stops talking and looks out the window. I worry that I have gone too far and asked him why he wasn't talking to me. He then pulled off to the side of the road and turned on his hazard lights. I look at him and he says quietly, "we are out of gas." So we get out of the car and began our trek to my school. Which, in theory, was only about two blocks away, but I didn't account for going two blocks south and then going another three blocks east. But we had no choice. So we set off. Now, Station is not new at this running out of gas thing. He told me of all the times that he has run out of gas. Four times to be exact. And he began to tell me how he wished that there was some way that the car could warn him when he was out of gas. What a novel idea. I couldn't help, but tell him that there was actually already one of those and that when it went on he didn't need to worry, he could just go over to the gas station and fill up. But he said that he wanted one that told him when he was REALLY out of gas. Why? So you could chance it that much more? After discussing important additions to his abandoned car Station got a diddy in his head and just had to let it out. He decided to sing a song called, "Orem Girls". (Not that being an orem girl is bad, just that I don't particularly want to be one that Station was speaking of). It had a mixture of lyrics including something about wearing leggings and leg warmers and going eighties dancing to going to a singles ward and flirting with the boys. I reminded him that I didn't go to any singles wards and that if I did it would be with him so he could stop that. But he didn't. He proceeded. And added more lyrics like ironic boots(moccasins) and yarn stitched jeans. I became so sick of the song that I threatened him that if he sang that song or called me an Orem girl one more time I would cut my hair short. And I would. Because I have. Many times. But he said that I wouldn't so I pulled out my phone and began to call my hair salon place to get some chopping done. He stopped. He begged. And said that he will never again call me that.
This was all going on as we were walking quickly to my school when finally we decided to call {sister} and have her come get us so we could get there faster. Once we finally met up with her she dropped me off at school and took Station to my car. I was, of course, late to class, but luckily I was able to slip in because the lights were off and everybody was already sleepy. Once class was over, Station came and picked me up and we went over to his truck to fill his car back up. It was right where we left it. Blinking as cars had to squeeze by to get around and not get hit by on-coming traffic. We filled up and drove off to my house to get some much needed lunch.

If you would like to enjoy another story when he ran out of gas on {mutual friend}'s blog then go ahead and