Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How A C+ In My Art 1010 Class Can Inspire Me

My mouth was so dry a few hours ago that I was ready to steal the next water bottle that I saw. Instead, I decided that I could just head over to the little Scoops and buy one. So I did. Along with a whole bag of Rollos and Baked Cheetos. I don't even know why I got all that food, other than me knowing that i would feel less guilt if those Cheetos were baked. And I do. Except that I gulped down the entire bag of Rollos in record time and now have a chocolate hangover with the headache that I started with this morning. Not because of a different kind of hang over. But just because I am sick. The funny thing is that I picked up the Rollos bag and even thought in my head that I knew I don't like chocolate. I knew that eating all of those wouldn't be enjoyable. I wasn't even craving anything Rollo-like. Yet, here I am with a sick stomach, an even drier mouth from all that chocolate, an empty water bottle, and a headache.

However, there is a bright side to this dinner. I was able to perfect my sculpting skills with the Rollo wrappers. And I now know for a fact that getting any sort of art degree is not in my future. But let me bore you no more, because I know how I can do that {ah hem}. here are my creations. In no particular order.
Here is a flower with the Rollos logo in back. This was on accident and when I saw what I created I realized my potential. Too bad that the accidental sculpture was the only good one.
This is either a Guinea Pig or a Rat or a Hamster. This took the bulk of my time and I feel like I did a pretty good job other than it only have three legs and in the end I just ended up smooshing in down so that it wouldn't fall over with the ears rolling away. All in a days work.
This is supposed to be a thumbs up. It just looks like an out of focus clump of trash. And it is. Abstract Art at it's finest.
After the thumb was about the point where the headache set in and I gave up. And I died a lot. And then I finished the episode of Desperate Housewives and went on with my life.
You honestly thought that I would do a whole post without mentioning Station? Yeah right. How could I with a face like that?