{bffe, chal, me, b, bffe's high school bf, bird( look at his ropes!!}
Today my brother is graduating {barely} from high school to join the rest of us in this world of adults. Naturally I have considered myself an adult since middle school. On my graduation day which was June 4, I think, I went to the high school to practice my walk down the row of seats and ended up yelling at {bffe}'s then boyfriend because he couldn't function without her being by him. Needless to say I swore at him in front of a kid from my ward and felt guilty. only because he was there. Later that day {bffe's then boyfriend} was sick and throwing up. I think it was karma. just saying. Later, all the girls rode up to wherever we graduated. All except {bffe}. She was weird about that stuff back then. Once we got up there we took pictures and pictures. I got to walk down with one of my best friends, Bird. He was embellished with ropes and things and made me look like a quaker next to him. He had a near perfect attendance, but got really sick the second to last week and had to stay home. He also had a beautiful GPA. I felt like a real pimp walking next to him. That would make him a prostitute. But a smart one none the less.
Before we started to walk, we had all decided that we were going to make up a fake middle name to something like Sunshine and Coriantum and Sue. I chose sue. of all the wonderful names possible I chose the most normal. I don't think I could be more upset with myself to this day. I think of all the really cool names I could have chosen and how I failed that day. Though everyone knew it wasn't my real one because a lot of people would call me cassidie anne. sometimes adding in my last name and making it rhyme a little with anne. go ahead and try it out....okay now stop. pretty cool hu. yeah I know. my parents are poets. Anyway. I failed that part, but it was still fun. Bird didn't do it because he said his mom would be mad and all she wanted was a nice day to celebrate his greatness. My parents were just happy I graduated.
Anyway, as we walked down the row he started yelling to his soccer coach about something while spraying his spit all over me. He gets really excited sometimes. I told him to act casual and keep his mouth closed. I didn't really say that, but now that I look back I wished I would have. We sat down and out came bird's ipod. great. who will I talk to now bird?!?! so I just listened to the speakers. one guy sounded and spoke exactly like Yoda and I nearly died of it all. We shook hands with the principle and went on our way.
That night was fun but maybe I will tell it another time.