Sunday, May 16, 2010

This Is What Happens When You Defend The Indians.

Finally I have uploaded my camera pictures through my parents house because I had to edit some from my neighbor's senior photos. But I have been wanting to give a shout out to all the people who have been mocking me horrendously for minoring in American Indian Studies. That is right. I will have no idea what I am majoring in, but a minor? check and check. Will that ever get me a job? no. that is okay though. I feel like I am not only connecting to the Indians and Paul Newman from Hombre. Anyway. I have been getting grief so I thought I would say that I do have a bit of a hot spot for people who don't know the history of how crappy we were to them and act like they deserve it. {dad}. I also have the spirit of the indians bringing me fifty cent indian pictures from DI and leave them in my LARGE front window. Needless to say the taunting is endless and I enjoy the gifts that I am receiving from it all.
Anyway. I will be blogging more now that I don't have a fear of using the network to exchange photos. That whole thing didn't even make sense.