I have also come to realize that abbreviated words are becoming second nature. You know who you are and you know what kind of habit you have created!!!! STFU!! ...wait.... I don't know if that works. SEE. there is my problem. They are incorporated into my daily life (being that I live my life daily) yet I can't seem to use them correctly. I know it is bad when I am writing my missionary friends and I am writing in what it means just in case it makes no sense. I might as well actually leave out the abbreviation if I am going to just tell them what it is. Freak.
On to more important things. I had the break of a lifetime. You know. Spring Break. Awesome. I went to a secret island with fresh fruit every morning. tan lines galore. Okay not really. I stayed and worked for one day. I had a volleyball game. rec style. I actually could serve over-hand. I haven't done such on a full court for at least a year. I am just glad I didn't fall down. I also was able to go up to Salt Lake City and have a girls night with the fearsome four. We don't really have a title like that, but I have always wanted one. When the boys were home we called ourselves the Spumoni Six. Because we went to Spaghetti Factory all the time. But anyways we stayed at the Little America, which was grand....but in a little way. We laughed and chatted and snapped some pictures, but I wont use them, not because they are bad, but just because there isn't one where we are all together. You would think we would do so. But we didn't.
So here is yet another post without any pictures. You might be wondering what I am doing with four cameras....well I guess i just carry them around and forget or don't dare to take pictures. whatever. I will do better. Summer is sooo close and I am dying ever sooo slowly. I am planning on riding my bike to school, yeah the bike that doesn't have gears. So if you see me peddaling fifty miles an hour and I am moving backwards...well just avert your eyes. I have enough shame.