Friday, February 5, 2010

Time for time

I feel like I have been taking test after test this week. I am not stressed at all though. really i never get stressed but still. Is it sad that I have to look at my calendar to see what I have done? it is sick really. I feel like my days are longer. which they are because I am getting up earlier because {neighbor}, {sister}, and {roommate} started a well rounded club. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we go running. Well only {neighbor} and I do. S2 decided that she was going to have a bloody nose all night and then just didn't feel like going the next time. Needless to say I am SORE!!! freak. I haven't run for real for......well since.....uhhhh April? that was when I split my dear femer in half. okay not really. more like a hairline fracture. story of my life eh? This time I am hoping for better. {no dad I am not running outside without shoes, only inside}. But I was pretty proud of myself. I ran almost the whole way. Those hills kill me!! However, today i was able to listen to Beyonce's "halo" on the way up the hill and that is what made me run faster. or at least I felt like it was faster. sorry I am so slow. my dad always tells me I am a slow runner. it is okay. anyway. brother loves "halo". Holy crap it is so funny. He always says that it gives him goosebumps. But that is another post. {sister send me your video of him singing it please!!}. But one thing about running, other than the whole breaking the leg thing, I have some slight asthma. {quite laughing family}. It is the lame asthma. Sports Induced. or as {brother in law} kindly calls it sometimes. Singing Induced. Shoot. My airwaves close off and people are laughing. It really is funny. I am really thinking I am falling apart. {holy freaking crap. recycling man just came up REEEEEALLY close and started making small conversation. please note he is standing and I am sitting. and I asked him how he was and he said good but that he didn't write on web pages as much as me (no kidding). and then he read my last sentence and asked why I was falling apart......{sister} don't let me die like this.} Anyway. As I run I am gagging for air. I know. and well puttering too. I have to put in my earphones and turn up my music really loud so that I can't hear my breathing. probably not the best idea. But an added part that I am not used to is my near throwing up feeling. The first day of running I was chewing gum. Why? heck I don't know. I just felt like the minty freshness was going to help me feel awake. But that really got my stomach going. all that bouncing around made my stomach turn. I think I would have thrown up if I didn't have the gene from my dear mother, thank goodness, that I don't throw up. My dad is a stomper when he throws up, I bet you are glad to know that hu. My mom on the other hand doesn't throw up. When I hear people say that they wish they could just throw up it makes me wonder how sane they are. who would want to throw up? how weird.
anyway. why am I posting all about running? Tuesdays, for our club, we read a book. Right now we are on Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck {right?}. I haven't started and probably wont for a while. I have so many books I am supposed to read. I want to get it on my ipod so I can listen to it. And on Thursdays we go to the Temple. Has anyone else noticed how not quiet the Provo Temple is? holy kanole. But it is good because I have been to the temple every week for four weeks about. Give me a high five!!! I feel good all around. I feel well balanced. That is why our club is so awesome. I really can't even remember the name of our club.
I am taking an Indian History class. It is probably the most amazing class I have ever taken. It is amazing the kind of crap Native Americans get. The whole "they are rich because the y have casinos on their reservations, but the blow it on alcohol" is crap by the way. There is really only one Indian casino that is doing really good. the rest are not any good. and really the only people gambling there are the indians themselves. Also. It is amazing how all the white people back in the day thought that they were dependent and dumb really. The whole thing was messy and nobody ever asked the Indians what they wanted. If anyone is curious about Indian history I have a few books I can refer you to that are great. I am also doing a big huge research paper on Tongue River Indians, Cheyenne, in the 1916-1918 time and that they really were dying from the Spanish Influenza. Some scholars believe that it was just that they were poor. crap.
Anyway. One last thing. last year I was training for the Wasatch Back when my leg fell apart so I couldn't do it. Buuuuut I might be doing it this year. {surprise!!! don't give me crap dad.}