Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Presidents Day

I am not a hater of love. But I do not like Valentines Day. So much like many other people. I enjoy the glitter and stuff, but I think it is commercialized holiday. I realize some people love it because it gives them more of a reason to tell their loved one they love them, but I don't really want chocolate that I wont eat. Roses are great. To be honest. Any holiday that would be in danger of having any sort of attention put on me, I shudder from. Birthday? no thank you. New Year? too loud and there is no way I am running around pounding a pot to have someone stare at me. But that is all I am saying about the gushy stuff.
Luckily my mom has always made it a family holiday of sorts. She gets us a little something then we say something we love about our parents. Nothing gushy. No lonely spot light. Just great family love. She also has a thing for glitter glue. And Sunday was a really warm day so {sister} and I went outside on the porch to make some valentines cards.

lots of glitter and scissors
This is mine
This is meant to be out of focus to show the glittery-ness

* btw. I have gone from 6 push ups to 20 in one week. Just in case you want to do it that is incentive enough.
**I think I am going to do the 200 squat program too.
***Once I get the chance I will blog about my old car's death and my new car.