So I finally got my camera....a Polaroid 600 Instant Camera. I know I know of right now there is very little film left, because Polaroid doesn't have a very key part available to it and it just isn't as popular. However, I have always found magic with polas and I love how they look so great and I just love different medias of photography, not that I am straying from the firm and true...and somewhat same price of regular format film and digital. I just want to try some new things. Besides, I think that it is so great that what you get is what you get. No negatives, no copies. You cannot really replicate it...sure you can scan it, but I am a hater of scanning...mostly because I have no idea how, actually that is exactly why. {Someday I will love you scanner}. Anyways I will be using it sparingly due to the large cost....or I will actually turn in my job applications. Hopefully the later. Anyways here is my first self portrait by my polaroid.

{I know that I look really psyched to be in the first picture but I am out of focus....I will have to work on that...}

There she is....what a brilliant beauty. Black Beauty infact.