There is the bottom and my frustrated dad. I think he kept measuring to see if it had magically shrunk. No chance my man.
That was about the time that my dad started recruting [cousin] to look up ways to cut the counter.
[cousin] was scared of the outcome. It was really a stressful moment.
(Sometimes I wish [cousin] would keep her head still when I take pictures) It is her alter ego coming out of her. Camera's can capture that and Indian's souls.
In the end my dad was not able to cut the table so he went to work at [sister]'s sink. The next day [cousin]'s dad came and cut the counter and set up the stuff. I, however, do not have pictures because I was strictly on safety duty since he is well known in the E.R. He did make it out safe with only a little blood loss, which in his case it a wonderful day. Thank you Dad and [Uncle].
I can cook. Yeah I can. I can cook. Even chick'an!!! Roll that up and smoke it! I have been told that I can't cook. Well, guess what! I fooled all of you!