Thursday, March 26, 2009

We Are Friends...

So we are friends....she is a pretty lovely lady so here you go. We are able to do many things are can still have tons of fun. We dont even need a radio to hang out....but it is car remember...BTW we have been friends all our freaken reakin lives.... Sometimes I give [best friend] really weird looks when she says weird things. We have decided to make a joint blog. It will be up and running soon. If you have any ideas as to the names that would be lovely. We are open to suggestion from the hours of 3 a.m. to 7 p.m. so go ahead and let a rip. Dont worry we will just make funny weird things and probably end up just me posting things and her saying that she really doesn't care. But that is okay. I hope you are as excited as me. I know [best friend] is. So as you think about what our blog name should be, btw we dont want some freaky weird one that suggests we are lifetime partners...because we are not....not that we dont respect those who choose that lifestyle...we just dont agree with it...but dont worry I still love everyone, ANNNNYYYYWAAAYYYS!!! Watch this fancy video we made so to inspire you and us for a name and style of our blog...We hope you enjoy!!! I love lexi more than anything.