So yesterday....being Sunday. I was over at my parents house and it was a lovely day! I was able to sit outside and feel the greatness. First [sister] and I played some basketball and I am proud to say that I still got it. What have I got? ohhh really I just can still make a least once or twice. But it was fun. I danced a little in the warm sun. [sister] made fun of me. Anyways, we then began to play hands up stands up. My entire family that is, even my mom and dad. I remember now why I loved to play that game. Not because i get to go upside down, but because I get to compete. However, yet again [brother-in-law] proves of his superior DNA by whooping us all, even [sister] who is in gymnastics. heck I was in gymnastics and I now no longer wonder why I didn't stay. I am horrible. I tend to barely make it off the ground. I think that this summer is going to be the summer where I perfect my hands up stands up skills. Then I will prove to [brother-in-law] that he is not good at everything!!!! But now days after the competition my right shoulder is more sore than my left because of the uneven ground, I can still feel a hint of a headache from going up down up down, and a long lost dream of being a gymnast has sprouted yet again.
After all that we played ultimate frisbee in our front yard. My team lost. But I was not surprised. I am a horrible frisbee thrower. I always throw it wrong. And my catching skills are like a childs, I am always scared that I will hurt my fingers when I catch it. I have also been known to break said frisbee because I am unable to throw it correctly. Heck is it even throw? Or is it just pass. I dont know. In the end I have found I have a few things that I am going to work on this summer.
Oh and by the way [sister] and I were accepted (?) to work down in Lake Powell this summer. As of right now that is our plans, however, we must make sure since it will be all summer long. We will see. I want to bad, but at the same time I want to do other things as well.
The End