Friday, February 13, 2009

Thank You

This is a tribute to anyone and anything that has made the stay at grandma's more enjoyable, so I will do a bulleted list as to make it easier to stay focused.
  • thank you mom for the bread(one homemade and two store bought) and the jam(homemade).
  • thank you [aunt] for the bread and the homemade jam as well
  • thank you [aunt] for the yummy goodness with mushrooms and meat in there. I love noodles and I love mushrooms so you are one of my heros
  • thank you mom for the many tortillas....even though I am pretty sure that you accidently left them....I still enjoy them.
  • thank you tv for your $12 package with twelve spanish channels, three news channels, and the CW......whatever that is.
  • thank you rocks for breaking our disposal
  • thank you me for putting them down there and forgetting to take them out before [sister] turned on the disposal
  • thank you [cousin]'s shoulders for popping out when [cousin] keeps things real
  • thank you 50 billion year old bed for your squeakiness. 
  • thank you 50 billion year old bed for at least being comfy
  • thank you neighbors for remembering to get our garbage because we cant
  • thank you dave for shoveling our walks even though we are probably the ones that are supposed to shovel your walks
  • thank you short shower head
  • thank you cold water coming out of short shower head
  • thank you [cousin] for bumping into my car hahahaha!
  • thank you house for having a mail shoot
  • thank you mail man for using the mail shoot.....i guess i am lazy
  • thank you shrimp flavored fries for stinking up the house
  • thank you [cousin] for throwing them away
  • thank you grandpa for your coin collection
  • thank you coins for the funny smell you leave on [cousin] and my hands
  • thank you to the new doors that I find each week. it is a pure adventure
  • thank you basement door that closes by itself....I hear that one should get their heart rate up every once in a while
  • thank you loads of bleach in the basement. no one EVER buy any ever again. come to my house you just have to bring food.
  • thank you 12 foot front window. I wouldn't be so good at finding things at home depot without you
  •  thank you endless supply of floss.
  • thank you mom for the truffles
  • thank you red towels that leave me all red too
  • thank you tiny working stove tops 
  • thank you moon for being so bright and shining in my eyes when I sleep