Thursday, February 26, 2009

It Is All So New To Me!

So now that I re read that last post it sounds really dramatic and I feel really dumb so please disregard that little thing. I didn't realize that I was on my soap box. I should have made it maybe I will redo a comedic rendition so that it wont create such strange embarrassment for me...But we will see. But just so you know my car is now rehabilitated and going strong. We have become stronger in our relationship because of it and now I am almost able to drive without getting an anxiety attack at a stop sign. We have come so far.
Now for the real story. When my dad came down to fix my car we found that it is much too tight in there so we just took it to a guy named steve who has a place on 8th north in Orem by the new Maverick (quick propaganda) and he got it done. So we had some time to kill so my dad kindly put in our new dish washer!!!! YEEEAH BABY! 
Here my dad has taken out the old dish washer after much work. I am sad that I didn't get that because it was entertaining.
who remembers this old tile? Linoleum anyone?

yeah it wouldn't fit through the back door it was a wide load so we had to drag it through the white room and out the front, and yes I helped! here are the drag marks.

here it is.....what a beauty. there were some serious issues but we got it figured out.
Ba Da Da Da!!!!