Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dont mess with the yams!

My favorite part about the holidays is candied yams. They are my favorite food. And this year I am able to make them on Thanksgiving and Christmas day. I love them and could eat them all day. Well maybe not but I do have them be apart of my birthday dinner. In fact I love them so much that my Grandma Spiers called me her "yams girl". She even said that I did a good job on them at Thanksgiving. She and I actually had a few conversations about candied yams and we decided that we dont like it when people mess with them. Leave them be! We both like the simple yet beautiful taste it creates in our mouths. Someone brought over some different type of recipe for yams and my grandma wouldn't eat them. She told me that they are fine just the way we make them. No need to go changing what is already perfect. So when you take that liquidy goldness to your mouth some day, remember "dont mess with the yams!"